Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Pink promises

Pink promises

Streams of pink promise

Among gray boulders ,splashes

Golden dawn trickles


Saturday, November 14, 2015

Children's day pledge

Children's day pledge

I see the hope of the future dance in your eyes
Your laughter , smiles, their freedom, trump any prize
I wish I could smooth your way , so everything is nice
But sometimes best intentions, best efforts do not suffice
And there are those days when life is a compromise
Others when it feels threatened by hatred on the rise
And I may leave you a world ,full of its' own caprice
But I would have failed you only if I give up , capsize
With every blow of ill will, let go of faith, in a trice
And let the dreams, hope die in your eyes
So today I promise , I will never give up , whatever the price
And though I may be unable to leave you a world quite so nice
You will have the comfort that I tried , for all that I prize



For Paris , 13/11/2015

There is a pall over the city of lights
As it mourns the souls
Lost to the darkness of hatred
That rears its' monstrous head
to lick the blood of innocents
To feed its' insatiable appetite
Of engendering more of itself

Yet in this night of nightmare
I cling to a flickering hope
There will be tears , shock , anger
But it will exhaust itself in love
Compassion , resurgence

That the city of lights
Will shine once again
Display the principles of
Equality, Liberty, Fraternity
Without the blood letting
And a fraternity broad enough
To embrace all the innocents.


P.S. After the terrorist attacks in Paris 

Monday, November 9, 2015

Diwali greetings

Diwali greetings

Wish you all a dazzling Diwali , full of joy , cheer
May the bright lamps light hearths, hearts dear
May the sweets sweeten our tongue, sounds we hear
May the celebrations brighten every day, through the year
May we be blessed with health , peace ,far and near
May abundant grace overflow , overcome every fear,
May this dazzling Diwali, with joy, gratitude, love , endear.


( Pic from the internet )

Empty nursery

A couple of micro poems on the prompt of shadows/heart/ball

Empty nursery

Small shadows bounce ball
My hearts' empty nursery
Echoes with longing

Light up joy

Peel off balled shadows
In hearts' dark corner, let fly
Light it up with joy


Shadow and light

Shadow and light

As the morning glows, brightens
Shadows stretch,lengthen

Stretching from the night to day
A changing , growing , shrinking link, say,

Between light and dark
One, the other's absence marks

Inseparable, is this winsome pair
Light and shadow, in life,space share.

One the source , another the projection,a show
Remove the object and there is no shadow

In turning to the light,dissolving our ego
Its' projected sorrows, life's shadows, we let go


Light and Shadow

Light and Shadow

In the dappled light,by the creek,
Light and shadow, play hide and seek,
A look here, a glance there , a little peek
Opposites meld,separate,meet,
Enhance nature's mystique.


Friday, November 6, 2015

Honeyed Autumn afternoons

Honeyed Autumn afternoons

In thinning golden canopy,
Sunlight that ribbons through
In yellow rivulets
Warmth wrapped around
A pleasant coolness
In mellow overtones
In sweetness that drips
Thick , viscous
To melt a leaden heart
To coat every memory
In its' own taste , hue
Comes a honeyed autumn afternoon.


Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Momentary choices

Momentary choices

The clouds cleared to frame the peak
A beautiful sight,to me,did speak

A transcendental moment, drawing goosebumps
To others,a great photo opportunity,that trumps

As tourists gathered around for a good shot
Lovers cozied up,not giving onlookers,a thought

Yet from this wondrous sight, one man had nothing to gain
With his back to it, he surveyed the mall in growing disdain

What is so great about this place? , he complained
We can find all these things at home, cheaper, he exclaimed

Oh mountains,he snorted,seen one, seen all
Fancy coming all this way,to see them stand tall

I stared at the man,blind to the beauty,so magical
But recognized his own truth in his outlook,practical

Understanding dawned to its own surprise
And in accepting this differing view, I did realize

Every moment carries in itself , an amalgam of hues
The one we see , is the one we choose.
