Sunday, April 17, 2016

Sweetness of coffee- coffee tales

Sweetness of coffee- coffee tales

Sunday afternoon stretched
With silence of the afternoon siesta
Baby finally asleep
A lull between meals ,
A pause in the hustle,bustle
Of a joint family

So different from afternoons at home
As a only child,a nuclear family
And yet,she loved belonging to this large,loving clan
A bride, few months old
Though she may be
Longing of a childhood,fulfilled

Nearly three, put down her book, yawned
Soon her mother in law would carry
Steaming coffee to Thatha, the family patriarch
Tiffin time in the Iyer household
Never began without serving him first

A frugal, religious, reserved man
Intimidating, for the respect he commanded
Afternoon coffee was his one indulgence
He looked forward to
She could hear him shuffling in his room

She peeked into her mother in law's room
Who was lost to the world, in deep sleep
She had been up with her sister-in-law
And the baby most of the night
Something in the kindly face
Reminded her of her own mother
Quietly resolved to make Thata's coffee

Entered the kitchen with some trepidation
Through her many degrees,
Cooking had always come second
Filter kaapi , an art form
In many South Indian households
Was not her forte

A couple of tablespoons coffee powder
Heaped ,packed but not too tight
Came a vague memory in her mother's voice
Add the hot water and wait
For it to percolate

Heat the milk ,watch that one
Came the memory of her grandma's laughing voice
It is very naughty, likes to boil over
When your back is turned

Filter Kaapi finally ready
She went quietly to Thata's room
Amma is tired , still sleeping
She murmured to a surprised Thatha
With a small,shy smile

Appa,I am so sorry, I don't know how I overslept
Her mother in law came in quickly
It is all right, the child has already taken very good care of me
You rest, you have a lot on your hands

With a grateful smile,a quick caress
Her mother in law bustled out
To get tiffin ready
For her large, hungry brood

Thatha finished his Kaapi with a smile
Was it all right ?, she asked
I have never made kaapi before
Tumbled out the confession

Very good, very good for first time
Next time,sweeten it with some sugar
As well as your smile
He replied quietly
Twinkling at his granddaughter in law's aghast face .


Thursday, April 14, 2016

Ram Navami prayer

Ram Navami prayer

Beacon of righteousness, in the dynasty of the sun
Calmness of the moon, coolness of water, the compassionate one,
His life, troubles , forbearance, lessons in conduct,begun
Through adherence to one's dharma, is how the battle won
Discipline rigid, follow duty until the task is done
Forgiveness vast to encompass all, never shun,
By whose name , a thousand prayers are fulfilled , hopes spun
Lead me to you , my refuge, ever loving one


Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Tamil new year wishes - 2016

Tamil new year wishes - 2016

Under the one eye of the scorching, yellow sun

May the Neem, flower, bitterness from hearts,shun

May the mangoes ripen, life with sweetness run

May the riches bring plenty, blessings by the tonne

May the Jackfruit sweet, make time fragrant with service done

May the mind's mirror always reflect, the One

New beginnings , new hopes spun

Wish you a happy new year, everyone


Monday, April 11, 2016

The Hawker -more coffee stories

The Hawker -more coffee stories

Steel drum filled with piping hot liquid
Brown , with cream , sugar
Shut tight, pick up firmly by the handle
It swung with a familiar burning sensation by the calves
Ignore, pick up the paper cups
Game face , alert

Incoming train announced its own presence
By a long, shrill whistle
Mumbai-Chennai express
Two hours late, as usual
A good time , nearly tea time

Long green engine pulled in
Car, after car of rusty red
A mad scramble by the porters
To the few figures with luggage
Allow them to descend

Then the cries rent the air
Chai , chai, chaiyya
Vada, vada , vada , vada
Sandwich ,saandweech

He raised his voice
Coffee, coffee, coffee bolo
Hot coffee , 10 Rs a cup
Running down the platform

Hey coffee , here, came a voice
Two cups , said a plump man waving change
Balance the scalding drum on his thigh
Pour out two cups , pass it carefully
Through the window bars

Hey, you want some coffee
A young man in the next seat
Asked his friend ,lazily
Sure said one , then two more
Two cups ,no no make it four,no six

Signal had turned yellow
He hurried
Pouring out cup after cup
Counting under his breath
Last one passed, lurched with the train

Ouch ! You oaf ! You burnt my hand
Sorry !Sorry ! It was ten cups sir
Ten cups ! it was only six
You burn me and then demand money
Please sir.. It was ten cups
I am a fair man , I will pay for six
Not a paisa more

He was jogging to keep up now
The boy dipped slowly in his fat wallet
The bills fluttered tantalizingly
He put on a spurt of speed
Reaching , reaching

The platform ended abruptly
Train chugged on unfazed
The note bills withdrawn

Left behind
A steel drum considerably lighter
A stitch in his side
Residual bitterness
Of coffee he had not drunk


Sunday, April 10, 2016

Flying sunsets

Flying sunsets

On spreading wing tips
Tired sun hitches a ride home
Pays in streaks of  gold


Picture Credit : Vidya K

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Coffee date -the wait

Coffee date -the wait

First five minutes

Came in agog , bouncing on his heels
Early,find a good table
The one in the corner ?
She would miss him
In the center?
No too open, too eager
Ah ! The  one off the side,perfect
Still early , might as well order a cup
Did not want to  look like he was waiting

First order
A coffee , cream, sugar on the side
Check watch
A few more minutes
Almost time
Came, passed
No sign of her

Second order
A coffee , hold the cream
Maybe she was just a little late
Did something happen?
Would she call?

Check watch
Look to the door

Third order
A coffee, black
Of course , she was not coming
Not for him
He felt a fool
He was a fool
He wished the dark, bitter concoction
Would swallow him whole ,instead

He could not bring himself to leave
Then suddenly, a tinkle
She was there, smiling
A little flustered but perfectly coiffed
He thought randomly, foolishly of angels
So sorry, my meeting ran late

Fourth order
Two cappuccinos
Cappuccino? He never drank cappuccino

The rest ?
He doesn't quite remember
It was lost to the froth, warmth
And the caffeine rush


Friday, April 8, 2016

Gudi Padwa wishes

Gudi Padwa wishes

Generous, be the blessings, in the new year
Usher in joy , health, abundance, cheer
Deepen faith , turn away from fear
Inspire to new heights, soar skies clear

Prosperity , peace , plenty all appear
Always with a smile, passing troubles bear
Dance, sing , meet ones near, dear
Welcome all, may differences disappear
Abound in joy , love, light in the new year

Wishing all a happy Gudi Padwa, new year
 With goodness, grace, may we all cohere.


Thursday, April 7, 2016

A Coffee House story

A Coffee House story

Fans whirring ,spread the heat evenly
Long steel tables,colorful plastic chairs
Hustle , bustle

Men in their office shirts , sweaty
Open at the collar
Women with big plastic baskets, cloth bags
Vegetables for dinner
Fanning themselves with the end of their saris
Children squirming in their seats

Waiters, pencils behind the ears,
With trays ,dirty dish cloth at the hip
Idli, Vada , Bonda , Dosa rent the air
As they recite the menu at top speed

Two filter kaapis ,shouted to the kitchen
Steel tumblers slop water on the tables
Kaapi arrives in steel tumblers, davaras
Piping hot
Sipped noisily , clink of rings on steel
A constant whirlwind of activity

A disheveled boy in rags
Sidles up to the entrance
Eyes on the colorful jars full of goodies
Near the counter

Customers who notice ,quickly avert their eyes
A waiter flicks his dish cloth at him
He moves out of range of this taunt
But hovers around , an ingratiating smile

Satisfied bellies pay,leave
Brisk legs carry out voices
Complaining about work
Chattering groups enter, leave
A buzz of constant movement
Hungry eyes wait

A lone man, in rather dirty shirt
Scrounges up change
From his empty worn wallet to pay
For his own kaapi , and a sticky bun
For the little boy
That all see
That all try to ignore.


Wednesday, April 6, 2016

A cafe story

A cafe story 

Dark interiors, color of coffee
Spindly tables , bright chairs
Cushy sofas, the lone rocking chair
Ubiquitous cardboard coffee cup
Smell of fresh coffee
A cheery barista

A couple chatting quietly
A business meeting in another corner
Others mostly alone
Their faces lit up in an eerie glow
From their laptops
A few with their noses in a book

A young college girl
Slouched in the darkest corner
Sweats , lanky, disheveled hair
Over her face
An insipid textbook
On the table,unopened, ignored
A cup ,growing cold
Likewise ignored 
Texting furiously

Her abrupt rise
Flinging down the phone in fury
Blind blundering to the restroom
Tissue to her eyes

While the abandoned phone
Vibrates, dances a jig on the table
To an upbeat ringtone
With unfeeling gaiety


Tuesday, April 5, 2016

The conduit

The conduit

Unstopper my heart
Let love flow through
Wash away the stains of envy
Bend the weeds of my pride to your flow
Fill the holes of hurt with your nectar
Let me be what I was always meant to be
A conduit
To let love flow onto itself


Monday, April 4, 2016

Twilight of doubt and faith

Twilight of doubt and faith

To the famous shrine of lore
Thousands came with their pleas, galore

On the tired feet of faith, arrived the streams
With a silent plea to fulfill , their whispered dreams

Others came to give thanks for blessings received
For dreams fulfilled , successes achieved

Claustrophobic ,pressing crowd that pulls, trips
A frightened child , carried on my hips

My own faith ,prayers dissipate, unroll
To escape this roiling human sea becomes the goal

As I stumble, fumble on my way out
Brother in law returns to chivvy me about

In the middle of all this panicked chaos, pressing
A blanket over our heads in forced blessing

A priest materialized in the crowd, blessings to render
Demanded money for the services tendered

I left the shrine with strange disquiet
Wondering at my own shaky faith, flight

Guilt niggled at the doubts that arrayed
Microcosm of true faith, piety, greed, pomp on display

But peace descended with the twilight
To blanket the valleys, hills in fading light

Allowed me to pray on the quiet ride
Collect blessings that on every evening , glide

A lesson in doubt, faith, enlightening
Yet received from the shrine, some peace as a blessing


Sunday, April 3, 2016

Spring sweetness

Spring sweetness

Blue skies steal licks

Cotton candy cherry blooms

Taste of spring sweetness
