Mirror mazes
Squeezed out emotions
Blot paper as words
Each a new squiggle
In this indecipherable map
Called life
And we twist into pretzels
Trying to understand
These markings
Of our own making
Assigning meaning
To hieroglyphics
Forgetting their origin
Turn away, inward
Away from the
Psychedelic colors
Projections of a mad mind
Turn inward to that source
That illumines the glass
Of this mind
Turning it into a mirror
And know peace
Squeezed out emotions
Blot paper as words
Each a new squiggle
In this indecipherable map
Called life
And we twist into pretzels
Trying to understand
These markings
Of our own making
Assigning meaning
To hieroglyphics
Forgetting their origin
Turn away, inward
Away from the
Psychedelic colors
Projections of a mad mind
Turn inward to that source
That illumines the glass
Of this mind
Turning it into a mirror
And know peace