Saturday, June 21, 2014

Lessons at the raspberry patch

Lessons at the raspberry patch

Early in the day, in the cool of the morning
We stripped the raspberry patch of the pump berries,glistening,
Found some bitten, a few,
Gross, said my son, who ate those too?
Perhaps the birds, I replied, as if on cue,
Then smiled and said, we have so many , we can spare them a few,
My boy stopped and pondered this, a second or two,
Why are they ours, amma, couldn't they belong to the birds too?
Why indeed, I thought, how true,
Why do we lay claim to,
Seek to posses,
All that that pleases,
All that the mind,chooses,
Why don't we instead,
Play our small parts , in the larger scheme of things,
And revel,in that sense of belonging?


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