Thursday, December 31, 2015

A new year -2016

A new year -2016

Another trip around the sun
With a single stroke, a new year will have begun,

And with new vigor , resolutions ,we arrange
Will anything in this new year change?

Will we traverse the maze of unmet desires again
Swing the swing, between pleasure , pain?

Or will we find our way , the direction, path between
In this new year of two thousand sixteen?


Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Moments of the night

Moments of the night

Nights strung together

With moments tenderly gathered

Moments of unrequited longing

Moments of happy belonging

Moments of festivity, celebration

Moments of lonely suffocation

Moments of quiet, wakeful serenity

Moments of stress, unrest , resolve, gritty

Moments of sweet slumber peaceful

Moments of many dreams colorful

Or perhaps,moments strung together

Through nights, gratefully in memory, tethered.


P.S. Happy to share this poem won second place in a fortnightly theme competition in a poetry group.

Saturday, December 19, 2015

The stare

The stare

Somewhere far away
A little girl sits on the grass,
Smears of soot against her skin
In a dirty, torn dress
That was once violet
A shocked, vacant stare
Looks out of the newspaper

Another day , another violent event 
Another lost home, another lost childhood....
And yet that stare..
Traverses the latitudes of separation 
Jumps the barriers of reason
Blazes its way out of a city,laid to waste
To mock my lazy decision of helpless apathy
Fashion of this season of selfcenteredness
To scorch my conscience.


Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Foggy secrets

Foggy secrets

Night's secrets condense
Earth's warm lips smolder quiet
Hide passion in fog


Night's hope

Night's hope

Night stretches endless

Renders everything colorless

Sketches stark shapes in gray

Reveals stories, unsaid during the day

Houses the ghouls of suspicion, dread,fear

Serenity of silence, dew drops' gentle tear

Yet, every night, of gain or pain

Carries in itself the next day's grain

Sleeps in the dreams,of a new days' hope

Those dreams, strewn stars, envelope

Thus I traverse this endless night

In hopes of a new day, new light

Filled with your presence, bright


Monday, December 14, 2015

Night , the temptress

Night , the temptress

Nosegay of a heady scent swoons
In her tiara , the resplendent moon
Gown of blue velvet, star strewn
Hear the crickets, a welcome,croon
Twirls softly, pulls under her trance soon

Night, the temptress, sashays, sways
Lures to dream, to rest,a tired day


Wednesday, December 9, 2015



Blow you gusting breeze
Carry away the last glowing embers
Of my pent up anger 
At injustice
And scatter them 
As benign leaves of fall

Leave me bereft 
Of any residual bitterness
As I stand proud, tall
Complete in my surrender

Let me retreat 
Into myself 
For winters' restful meditation 
Where I strengthen my faith

That come the warmth 
Of your spring
I will be willing, able 
To bloom 
Spread fragrance to all
Without holding back


Thursday, December 3, 2015

Faith - for Chennai

Faith - for Chennai

Familiar names of my childhood float
As does a living , thriving city
Inundated by nature's excesses
And in hindsight perhaps its own
And over this floating debris
Rises human compassion
Understanding, patience,resilience
That forms resolute bridges
To those in distress
While the concrete ones ,submerged
Remain impassable
And as the flood waters will recede
My faith in goodness
That informs humanity at its core, increases.


P.S For the flood stricken citizens of Chennai battling floods after an unprecedented deluge who have shown remarkable resilience and compassion for their fellows in distress 

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Scarred and whole

Scarred and whole

In deep swallows of hard lumps
I drink up , drop by little drop
Of presumed rejection

With searing rip after rip
I tear out the pain
And let it fly in the breeze
Of gentle forgiveness
One shred at a time

In silent sniffles
I let out fragments
Of a building scream
To find my way to silence

With each wound, a new hole
I plug with forgiveness
To try and fill this leaking heart
With love

With every small attempt to love
Despite the hurt, I heal
Grow a little more scarred
A little more whole


Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Pink promises

Pink promises

Streams of pink promise

Among gray boulders ,splashes

Golden dawn trickles


Saturday, November 14, 2015

Children's day pledge

Children's day pledge

I see the hope of the future dance in your eyes
Your laughter , smiles, their freedom, trump any prize
I wish I could smooth your way , so everything is nice
But sometimes best intentions, best efforts do not suffice
And there are those days when life is a compromise
Others when it feels threatened by hatred on the rise
And I may leave you a world ,full of its' own caprice
But I would have failed you only if I give up , capsize
With every blow of ill will, let go of faith, in a trice
And let the dreams, hope die in your eyes
So today I promise , I will never give up , whatever the price
And though I may be unable to leave you a world quite so nice
You will have the comfort that I tried , for all that I prize



For Paris , 13/11/2015

There is a pall over the city of lights
As it mourns the souls
Lost to the darkness of hatred
That rears its' monstrous head
to lick the blood of innocents
To feed its' insatiable appetite
Of engendering more of itself

Yet in this night of nightmare
I cling to a flickering hope
There will be tears , shock , anger
But it will exhaust itself in love
Compassion , resurgence

That the city of lights
Will shine once again
Display the principles of
Equality, Liberty, Fraternity
Without the blood letting
And a fraternity broad enough
To embrace all the innocents.


P.S. After the terrorist attacks in Paris 

Monday, November 9, 2015

Diwali greetings

Diwali greetings

Wish you all a dazzling Diwali , full of joy , cheer
May the bright lamps light hearths, hearts dear
May the sweets sweeten our tongue, sounds we hear
May the celebrations brighten every day, through the year
May we be blessed with health , peace ,far and near
May abundant grace overflow , overcome every fear,
May this dazzling Diwali, with joy, gratitude, love , endear.


( Pic from the internet )

Empty nursery

A couple of micro poems on the prompt of shadows/heart/ball

Empty nursery

Small shadows bounce ball
My hearts' empty nursery
Echoes with longing

Light up joy

Peel off balled shadows
In hearts' dark corner, let fly
Light it up with joy


Shadow and light

Shadow and light

As the morning glows, brightens
Shadows stretch,lengthen

Stretching from the night to day
A changing , growing , shrinking link, say,

Between light and dark
One, the other's absence marks

Inseparable, is this winsome pair
Light and shadow, in life,space share.

One the source , another the projection,a show
Remove the object and there is no shadow

In turning to the light,dissolving our ego
Its' projected sorrows, life's shadows, we let go


Light and Shadow

Light and Shadow

In the dappled light,by the creek,
Light and shadow, play hide and seek,
A look here, a glance there , a little peek
Opposites meld,separate,meet,
Enhance nature's mystique.


Friday, November 6, 2015

Honeyed Autumn afternoons

Honeyed Autumn afternoons

In thinning golden canopy,
Sunlight that ribbons through
In yellow rivulets
Warmth wrapped around
A pleasant coolness
In mellow overtones
In sweetness that drips
Thick , viscous
To melt a leaden heart
To coat every memory
In its' own taste , hue
Comes a honeyed autumn afternoon.


Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Momentary choices

Momentary choices

The clouds cleared to frame the peak
A beautiful sight,to me,did speak

A transcendental moment, drawing goosebumps
To others,a great photo opportunity,that trumps

As tourists gathered around for a good shot
Lovers cozied up,not giving onlookers,a thought

Yet from this wondrous sight, one man had nothing to gain
With his back to it, he surveyed the mall in growing disdain

What is so great about this place? , he complained
We can find all these things at home, cheaper, he exclaimed

Oh mountains,he snorted,seen one, seen all
Fancy coming all this way,to see them stand tall

I stared at the man,blind to the beauty,so magical
But recognized his own truth in his outlook,practical

Understanding dawned to its own surprise
And in accepting this differing view, I did realize

Every moment carries in itself , an amalgam of hues
The one we see , is the one we choose.


Thursday, October 29, 2015

Fall leaf

Fall leaf

Let it fall
This dried up, shriveled leaf
Of hurt
To it's own death
Let it flutter
To it's resting place,
A pigmented memory
Of trifled trust
After all the bitterness
Has dried out
Carry the knowledge, power
Of surrender
Let it fall
As a colored emissary
of acceptance


Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Navrati prayer

Navrati prayer

May Mother's compassion nurture our nascent dreams

May she endow us with vigor , power for the effort

May our endeavors be victorious by Her grace

That we offer with gratitude at Her feet

From her , onto Her may all our thoughts, words , deeds

Arise and subside

As she rides into our hearts this day.


Tuesday, October 6, 2015



पुराने नए बीच झूलते पल में
ज़िंदगी अपनी मंज़िल ढूँढती है
सफ़र में अपना आशय पाती है


Purane naaye beech jhulti pal mein
Zindagi apni manzil doondti hai
Safar mein apna aashay paati hai


In this swinging moment between the past, future
Life searches for its' destination
Finds its' purpose,is the journey


P.S. Sometimes life sends you a pleasant surprise , that came to me in form of these few lines in Hindi, which is not the language I think in . Perhaps it is the influence of some beautiful poems, I have had the privilege to read . Many many thanks to my friend, Mugdha W for her help correcting and editing my first attempt at writing in Hindi . 

Saturday, October 3, 2015

A new word

A new word

It tempts, a flitting butterfly
Inducing chase
To settle fluttering , hesitatingly 
On my tongue
Run rivulets of feeling 
Through the ridges of my brain
Stains my memory
With its' singular sound
Until at the edge of
Understanding , experience
It coalesces as a drop
To reflect it's meaning
And in so surrendering its' mystery
Settles into the folds of familiarity
In giving its' all 
Is how it claims me for its' own.


Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Windows of hope

Windows of hope

Bright, blue butterfly 
Unfurls among the gray clouds, 
Chance window of hope


Monday, September 28, 2015

Secrets of the heart

Secrets of the heart

What secrets do you hide,my beating heart ?
That I am,what I always was from the start ,
That there is no beginning , end, no meeting to depart
That the illusion of separateness , plays a part
In obscuring the real , the true , the one in every heart
That I discover , lose , discover in starts,
When my heart beats for another , that love imparts
Is how I lose in Love, my own heart?


Thursday, September 24, 2015

Smudged moon

Smudged moon

Bosom of clouds hold
Secrets of nights' rendezvous
A smudged moon betrays


Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Story of time

Story of time

With a yellow finger
The sun traces, the story of time
Upon my breathing walls,
In lengthening, shrinking, lengthening shadows
Measures,in distances, its' passage
As I watch , at rest,
Collecting the blessings of quiet.


Inspired by a poem, Tranquility by Poonam D on  a facebook poetry group.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Meera's call

Meera's call

You smile in every flower, tree
In every breath, every heartbeat,free

You are in every grain of sand
In each giving, receiving hand

When you reside in all that be
Where can you hide from me?

Why then,Oh playful cowherd do you make me seek?
Vanish from the recesses of my heart,in nights bleak

You who manifested to assuage your devotees' pain,
Will you let Meera's plea, go in vain ?


Friday, September 18, 2015


For Ganesh Chaturthi

Come into my heart ,oh large-eared one,
Let me open my own , listen, to the music of truth
Seat yourself in this heart for endless days
Let me worship you with endless devotion
Focused, wise , accepting, pleasing
And as the world bids you goodbye through immersion
Let me bid goodbye to all bondage , by immersing myself in you


Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Of love and bonds

Of love and bonds

Make not a bond of love
For bonds, simply hold down

Love demands expansion with every breath we own
Forfeit self, hurt, expectation, worldly renown

Yet those bonds of love, that I have known
Untainted by expectation, have steadily grown

In me, seeds of love have sown
Lets me expand into the unknown

Love subsumes bonds into it's own
To untangle them,set you free, in love,grown.


P.S. this poem came to me in response to a prompt ( bonds of love) on a facebook poetry group, wordsmiths . With apologies to Khalil Gibran fro the first line which is similar to one of the line sin Marriage- The Prophet . 

Friday, September 4, 2015

Janmashtami prayer

Janmashtami prayer

With these tiny steps, enter my heart,
To steal it, O' charmer of charmers,

Let me glimpse the cosmos in You, enshrined,
Even as I learn to see You without and within,

Through the forest of my fears,
Lead me with your divine music,

In the moonlit clearings of Your joy,
Dance with me , to ecstasy , to bliss

Through my questions, my trepidations, my life,
Be my charioteer, my teacher, my guide,

Through my everyday illusion of trouble
Be my sustainer, to bear and comfort me,

Be my light, O' Krishna,
Lead me unto you.


Lament of the sea

Lament of the sea

Desperation boards rickety vessels
To sail, to a chance, at a life
On an unwelcoming shore

Overburdened with the masses
Daily seeking refuge
Why us? , they ask
It is too much to bear
Too many, to care
Put up walls of fear

Greed preys on desperation
To desert them to their fates
These migrants, who are, not quite people

Hope capsizes, in storm of apathy
The sea, no longer able to hold
A cold world's discarded souls
Washes up on the shore, a corpse
Of a small child
As a mute question
On the present state of humanity
And its’ bleak future .


For Aylan Kurid , a five year old Syrian boy , whose copse washed up on Europe's shore after a boat carrying him and his family capsized during a desperate bid to sail to Europe in order to seek asylum from the civil war in Syria.

Friday, August 28, 2015

Silken Fortress

Silken fortress

With tied silken threads
I build myself a fortress
Protection of love


On the occasion of Raksha Bhandan a festival in India to celebrate the bond between brothers and sisters.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015



Moments pickled in memory
Acquire glass shells of definition
Hues of different emotions
To become colored beads
Of a rosary threaded by nostalgia
That I recall everyday, with love.


Monday, August 24, 2015



Moments ,a dew drop
At the edge of time,hold
A brief reflection


Saturday, August 22, 2015

Just Be

Just be

Don't try to catch me, own me
I am,the moonbeam in your hand
That slips away , but fills your empty palm
With silver

Don't try to imprison me, keep me
But in memory
I'm the fragrance that wafts,
Tickles your nostrils, 
Leaving behind a sweet scent

Don't try to capture me , seal me in pictures
I am the moment, the frame,
To flicker,but a brief second 
On your consciousness 
And leave behind residual images

Accept me , as I am
Fleeting, flowing, free
And  enjoy me ,here and now
Not in memory
Or projections of what will be.

Find your freedom to be
Just be.


Friday, August 14, 2015

Independence and interdependence

Independence and  interdependence

In a world of growing interdependence,
As we celebrate our independence,
Know, growth lies in bridging the distance,
Acknowledge our distinctness, presence,
But remember the oneness, coherence,
That has been our message, our deliverance
Freedom hard won by a generations' penance,
May it shower the blessings of unity, compassion, abundance,
On the anniversary, of the country's independence.


P.S. On the occasion of India's 69th Independence day 

Friday, July 31, 2015

Ever the migrant

Ever the migrant

Meandering paths we roam,

In search of a place to call home,

Gather memories, false belongings

Resume journeys of restless longings

Answers lie just beyond, believes the wanderer

New vistas will provide answers, their secrets surrender

Thirst torments, new restlessness, no answers

Yet if we pause , look inside, therein

We find we carry our home, within.


Tuesday, July 28, 2015

In memory

In Memory

RIP Dr A.P.J Kalam sir

Some leave behind a loving, grieving family
Some leave behind memories for a few people they've touched
Some leave behind a legacy of their achievements
Some leave behind their ideas to ignite others

But blessed are those who leave behind
A family of strangers, touched,bound by love received,
Memories, that become the narrative of a nation, in humility
A legacy,of inspiration for those that follow
With unassuming charm
Ideas, to spark the imagination of a generation
Leave behind a role-model
To look up to ,to emulate

Soar high,to your home well earned
And we left behind,thank you
For having shared your years, wisdom among us.


In memory of DR. A P J Kalam , 11th persident of India who passed away July 27,2015

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Alaska Trip 2015

Sharing some pictures and impressions from a recent Alaskan cruise . Hope you enjoy them...

Alaskan Cruise Photos

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Starry nights

Starry nights

Tired day sinks to rest
Valley cradles setting sun
Dreams of many stars


Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Roosting birds

Roosting birds

Mind's bare branch festooned
Roosting birds sway in the breeze
Scatter thoughts in flight


Monday, July 13, 2015



Cloud chased by the wind
Trips over the moon to drop
Gathered shining stars


Sunday, July 12, 2015

Awakening dreams

Awakening dreams

Golden light filters
Lingering dreams gather gilt
Sleepy mist stretches


Friday, July 10, 2015

Homework battles

Homework battles

Tears, threats, refusals, tirades
Make up the daily homework crusades

Complaints " You never let me have any fun"
Threats , " You will never see your game control till the work is done"

A snack, a back rub , many a cajoling, later
Finally sit down to get to the matter

Finish up quickly, to my disbelief
Homework complete, to everyone's relief

Tomorrow there will be another battle story to tell
But until then, alls well that ends well


Monday, July 6, 2015



When you left
Drew a dagger out
To leave behind, my jagged breath
Carried away our songs
To leave a hard lump in my throat
Took away all warmth
To leave my heart cold, frozen
Butterflies in my stomach followed you
Leaving a never ending void
Barren, breathless, cold, leaden

Yet from this emptiness
I will wring out the last drops
Of laughter, life, love
Rise again
Blaze into being
Ever the Phoenix


Thursday, June 18, 2015

A red carpet story

A red carpet story 

A million lights flash
To loud thunderous applause 
A green earth sashays 


Saturday, June 6, 2015

The Miracle cure

The Miracle cure

Did you know Kanan 's old grandpa is sick
The rumor, traveled the village quick

And the village gathered to commiserate 
The young daughter-in-law,educate

It is very sad , the end is nigh
In hushed whispers, they did sigh

Advised,to put him on a diet of thin rice gruel
To ask his body to digest anymore would be cruel

Each passing day poor Thatha* remained unwell
Villagers shook their heads, waited for the funeral

Until the schoolmaster's son returned  to everyone's delight
A doctor, the village's future bright

Who knew that little imp, the naughtiest in the crowd,
Would one day,make the village proud

Off he went to see Kanan, his old friend, heard the tale
Of his ailing grandpa, so sick,so frail

Moved by the sight of a once jolly man, broken, bent
Asked to be left alone,with his patient

Came out grave, stern, face creased with care
There is still hope, he did declare

The treatment is complicated, for it's efficacy
I must insist on it's completely privacy

Every morning, the young doctor arrived as norm
A neatly wrapped newspaper package under his arm

By and by,to the surprise of all
Thatha recovered with each doctor's call

Until one day , to the exclamation of all and sundry
He sat up and declared he was very hungry

The village came together to celebrate 
The young doctor, on this miracle cure, felicitate

Asked the headman his reverent best
Would the doctor,kindly share his secret ?

The doctor seemed abashed , amused too
Said it was no miracle cure, he knew

Old man was tired of the gruel diet, he led
Begged for some idlis instead

The idlis I bought him from the nearby store
Are the reason, for his own cure

The old man chuckled , and said
No my son, it was your kindness, instead

And when all else fails , kindness is the miracle cure
That stems by grace, from hearts pure.


Monday, June 1, 2015

Watermelon summers

Watermelon summers

On hot, sticky afternoons

Meet me with a smile

Let your ice-cold juice trickle

Down my parched throat

As you melt in my mouth

With a satisfying crunch

Comfort of memories

Of many childhood summers

Held together in a triangular slice

Of sweet,juicy watermelon



Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Postponing goodbyes

Postponing goodbyes

What are you looking at ?, he pried,
Nothing , she hastily lied,

I am etching this moment in memory,
Trying to carve in your face for eternity,
Savoring this togetherness, for all it can be
Stretching this minute,for as long as you agree,

Postponing the inevitable goodbyes.


Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Potter's wheel

Potter's wheel

On the spinning wheel of time
He skillfully shapes nothingness
Encapsulates it in fragile clay
Creates vessels to hold a bit of eternity.


Saturday, May 16, 2015

Valley of consensus

Valley of consensus

Egos stand tall
Tower over agreement
Trying to block the path
Each trying to outdo the other
In height and girth

Even as understanding
Starts as a humble trickle
Channeled towards a goal
Runs as streams, rivers
To cut a canyon 
Through the mountain of egos

And in the valley
Where ego flattens
In humility , submission
Meadows flower
Orchards bear fruit
In the consensus of love


Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Science of art

Science of art

Is there a science to art?

A way to measure, compare, break it down into its' constituent parts,
Is it through this process of dissection, that discernment starts
Or is it mere savagery on the patron's part?

The process of developing taste,
Is it merely shoring up of our own bias?

Can beauty truly be understood?
Or is this endeavor a futile exercise, misunderstood,

Perhaps beauty is just that which the heart latches onto quickly,
To be accepted, enjoyed with its' inherent mystery.


Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Finger painting

Finger painting

The cloud streaks gray lines
Across morning's silver streams
Finger paints with glee.


Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Dare not feel

Dare not feel

With deep dread
I avoid that hole in my heart
That aches, trembles
For those dealing with the aftermath
Of Mother Earth's tremors
Lest I should lose my equilibrium
And fall into that yawning hole
That seems bottomless

With pretended deafness, loud music
I turn a deaf ear to the whistling rockets
Screeching sirens , rat-a-tat of bullets
That are the sounds of a war-zone
Home to so many

With a practiced indifference
I turn away from appeals
To various charities
Hide my paralysis by fear
Under the onslaught
Of the world's endless problems
Under the guise of helplessness

Cease , stop , desist
This heart can bear no more
Stop, I dare not feel
I dare not stop


Saturday, April 25, 2015



Deep within the bowels of the earth, the plates grind, grate,
Send tremors through our insulated lives, our belief in our own immunity,shake,
Cause much suffering, upheaval and shock,
The movement of the cracked crust on a ball of molten rock,
Reminders of our insignificance, connections, that earths' bounty is not,only to take,
The rude awakening of a shuddering earthquake.


Monday, April 20, 2015



Thoughts flood, wash me away in their deluge

Yet don't satisfy my thirst, are not my refuge

I string my days together, with sips at your tranquil oases,

As I wander lost, the vast desert of my illusions, biases.


Friday, April 17, 2015

Spring green

Spring greens

From my window, I see
A sylvan wonderland,pretty
The promise of growth,as it be
Green upon green,dances free
As I collect a bit of calm, spring ecstasy. 


Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Happy Tamil New Year

Happy Tamil new year- puthandu vazhutukal

May this new year flower with hope of the neem
Hold the promise of sweetness of the raw mangoes
Brighten your life as the blazing, powerful sun
Wishing you the joy of a new year
Filled with grace, blessings for growth.


Monday, April 13, 2015



This illusion of aloneness,separation
This unquenchable thirst,of desperation

For a few drops to satisfy
A yearning deep, rectify

A myriad of desires,chased
For momentary happiness, quickly erased

When all the while , in the journey, endeavor,
Breaking down the dam of ego, we find our reservoir


Thursday, April 9, 2015

Tension and Resonance

Tension and Resonance

Distances yawn, stretch
Taut, tense with misunderstandings
Strengthened by the silences
Of fear, apprehension
To snap and throw apart
The once tight pairing
Vibrating with resonance
And inherent tension.


Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Wars were won

Wars were won

The cost of war
Is estimated in the billions
Of broken infrastructure
That needs rebuilding

In the loss of life
Of the fighters
The civilians
And those left behind
Whose life cannot be rebuilt
As it was before

In the numbers displaced
Homeless in an alien land
As refugees
As they bide their time to return

In the loss of innocence
Among the children
A childhood snatched
For the insanity of their elders
A debt, rarely repaid,

So many different ways to measure
The loss of a war,
Yet , history reports,
Wars were won.


P.S. This poem came to me in response to a photograph of a of a terrified little girl in Syria with her hands up , because she thought the photojournalists camera was a gun.

Friday, April 3, 2015

Of crosses and stakes

Of crosses and stakes

We all carry our crosses,
Across this life
The price of our sins
This spectacle,a lesson to others
That the burden we carry alone
Is the price of our separation
From our truth

Other times we feel
We burn at the stakes
Of an unfeeling world
For not conforming
To it's stringent measures
The price of our freedom
Their heresy

Yet neither crosses or stakes
Are our only truth
For beyond the nails,pain
Beyond the burning disassociation
Lies,the promise of deliverance
Of resurrection.


Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Fool's birthday

Fool's birthday

Ah! the joy of a birthday,
On All Fool's day

The snarky or playful reminders,
The many witty rejoinders,

But it is not without some recompense,
For you can invite many a friend,
To a non existent party, without giving offense .


Weight , my dear friend

Weight, my dear friend

Weight my dear friend
Will you stay with me till the end?

Sometimes I was your clinging need
Others, you, I did feed

Together, we make a inseparable pair
Through diets, workouts, or feasts fair

So many times your presence, did rue
But I could not have found a friend more true.


Saturday, March 28, 2015

Rama Navami pledge

Rama Navami pledge

The lord of the universe
Has not a place to reside
For we have banished him
From our hearts 
His chosen abode

And we mourn 
The distance
Yearning restlessness
That is our lot
When we separate 
Ourselves from that
which is our truth

On this holy day 
Let us clean the clutter
Purify our hearts
not just the house
Decorate with devotion
By His grace
Embrace the path of righteousness
And welcome the Lord
To reside, in His chosen home.


Wednesday, March 18, 2015

The sonnet, an elusive beast

The sonnet, an elusive beast

The sonnet remains an elusive beast
Someday I will go a' hunting
Bring it home for the feast
But the prospect is daunting

The quatrains will come someday
Iambic pentameters fall in place
It will make sense in many ways
Memory of my struggles, erase

But till then rhyme must suffice
My turbulent emotions,describe
To wrap in lines , somewhat nice
Some meaning, wisdom,imbibe

But even with the sonnet won,no more wait,
Will the quest, thirst ever abate?


Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Woman, I am

Woman, I am

Spark of the divine feminine
Wrought of inordinate strength
I am

The tenderness of a daughter
Watchfulness of a sister
Helpfulness of a mate
Guidance of a teacher
Mother,I am
Sustainer, preserver,nurturer all around
I am

I may be, soft, flowing , pliant
Your complement
But mistake not,my gentleness
For weakness
When the boundaries of decency,are gone
The Amazon
I am

A person,
Not the same, as you
But equal
I am


Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Color me

Color me

Color me pink, yellow, blue
Color me with joy, anew
Color me in every hue
Color me until I am the same as you
Color me till I blend in true

And as we lose our superficial separations
Dressed in myriad colorations
Let us see ourselves,as each other's reflections


P.S. Wishing you all a very happy, joyous, safe Holi

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Snow lullabies

Snow lullabies

Quietly dreams fall 
Rest on earth's fluttering lids
A white blanket lulls


Saturday, February 21, 2015

Write me a poem

Write me a poem

Write me a poem
Not of pain or woe,
No trace of darkness, despair, let it show,

Write me a poem as delicate as a dew drop's gleam
That sings the song of the woodland stream

Write me a poem, daffodil bright,
That twinkles like the stars of the night,

Write me a poem, filled with hope,like a lark's call
That rejoices in color ,like the trees, at fall,

Write me a poem, as beautiful as this world,multi-hued,
But you have already,
Everything with your magic imbued.


Friday, February 20, 2015

Modern phones

Modern phones

Hello , would you like to see some phones,
We have the gamut to choose from,all models, known,

Here is the latest one in the galaxy
The prized possession of many a fantasy

It has regular features, a clock, camera, more
Why it could be the key to your front door,

It comes in black, mauve, pink or blue
Doubles up as a status symbol too

In your car it can be your navigator, music store
Coverage from hill to vale, shore to shore

It records every step, every location to share
Let your friends know,you are there
That thing ,that is the privacy hawk's nightmare
But you aren't a terrorist, so you shouldn't care

It has apps for social media, galore
So you are apprised of every update, sublime to the bore

Do you have any questions, will that be all ?
Oh it even has an alarm in case you fall,
Bewildered I replied, but can I use it to call?


Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Shivratri Prayer

Shivratri Prayer

Sinner,that I am
A puppet,of my desires
Accept me
Lead me from
My wayward journey
Chasing fireflies
Of empty desire
To the steep, rugged stillness
Of renunciation

Lead me from the
Pursuit of temporary happiness
To the search of the permanent
The truth

O' compassionate one
Who bears the poison
That your children not suffer
Help me bear my own
Yet not be embittered

Lead me from the restlessness
Of petty wants
To the stillness
That is you.


P.S. MahaShivRatri is a day of prayer, fasting in worship of Lord Shiva , one of the trinities of the Hindu Religion . 

Sunday, February 15, 2015

A different kind of love story

A different kind of love story 

As all stories, 
This too, is about love,
How the morning  and evening 
Wished to meet, now

But every morning would grow weary 
With duty of the day's work
Every evening lost it's way,
In the night's despair 

So once every summer, by the poles
They took little sojourns
To meet , touch ,play 
In an endless day

And as they separated 
Went their way
They sent each other,
Painted postcards,everyday.


Wednesday, February 11, 2015



Hurt puts up walls
To wallow in it's stagnant pools
Of self-pity

While outside , love pushes
Exerts pressure on these false barriers

The wind wafts the melody of bliss
Over the separation

Hope, is the swallow, that scrabbles
Against this mud embankment
With faith , it will find a perch,rest

Until a single shoot of tenderness, sprouts,
In that vulnerable spot,
Weakened by kindness
To send a lasting crack
Through the damaged walls

And the dammed defenses crumble
As love pours in
Reclaims it's own.


Monday, February 9, 2015

Love Was

Love was

Love was,when I first saw you
Wrinkled, red, eyes screwed up tight

Love was, when I first held you
Traced the contours of your tiny fingers

Love was, when I first whispered in your tiny ears
And you answered with a resounding wail

Love happened,when you first smiled
That toothless, gentle smile, in sleep , of the angels

Love toddled , learnt it's first steps
Holding on to love's hands

Love grew , with you
With each milestone
With every breath

Love is ,wherever you are
Whenever,I outgrow myself
To see the world, as you.


P.S. A song for my son



Cake, gifts
Celebrating,gathering, giving
Gratitude for life with you


P.S. Birthday wishes for my Appa .
A didactic cinquian .
A cinquain is a five line structured poem. You can read some more about it here,

Saturday, February 7, 2015

The postcard

The postcard

The last edge crammed with words,memories,
Even as the ink fades

Trains caught, things left behind, loves lost, joys found
Bits and pieces of a lifetime, recorded haphazardly , momentarily

Witness,to smiles, sighs, laughter, tears
A postcard, refreshes a yellowing memory.


P.S This short poem came to me in response to a prompt of a photograph of an old.15 paise Indian postcard. The poem had to be six lines or less and am happy to share, was selected as one of the winners.

Eating sun

Eating sun

At sunset, looking deep into mine
He said, between us, my sunshine

Let us ,gobble up the sun
Come on,it will be fun

So I melted by degrees ,in his arms
The eaten sun turned into liquid warmth

That spread it's fiery passion in our veins
Our very breath with longing, stained

When we opened our eyes the sun was gone in traces of pink
Leaving behind a seared memory of a kiss, in indelible ink.


P.S. This poem came to me as a response to a prompt on romance in a poetry group and a poster for a movie, I saw somewhere. The protagonists were about to kiss with the sun in the background, hence the title .