Monday, May 30, 2016

The coffee date - coffee stories

The coffee date - coffee stories

Wet towel on the bed, again
She had grown tired of telling him
Twenty years and counting 
Some things never change
She thought irritably

Eighteen years had flown by
As their son grew
School, soccer, piano practices, work
Vacations, trips, little sicknesses, visits
Filled their lives to the brim and over

Now, kid in college , 
All that time 
They did not spend together 
Engrossed in their sons' upbringing
Stretched through empty evenings
To fill the yawning silence
In the house
Distance in their hearts

Empty-nesters was a scary thought 
They would have to live with one another again
Could no longer hide behind schedules
Learn to be alone without a third presence
Learn to converse with one another, again
Renegotiate new routines

Now the email cursor blinked
Stressing the question,
Whatever possessed him
To suggest meeting for coffee ?
Why not ? ,she shrugged
She got off work around four,anyway
Sent off a syllabic ok 

Close to the meeting 
She felt the butterflies of anticipation 
She had forgotten 
How this had been a weekly ritual
Before their son arrived

Coffee was actually pleasant
She had completely missed
His rekindled passion for gardening
Never thought he would find
Her new found interest in natural remedies, engaging 

I could just about live with him, after all 
She smiled to herself, bemused
As they left the cafe


Monday, May 23, 2016

The secret ingredient- coffee tales

The secret ingredient- coffee tales

He heaped the best Colombian
Coffee powder into the tiny percolator
Looking rather lost among
A range of discarded coffee makers
Abandoned in his quest
To regain coffee,his mother made

Almost two years
Since he had first bagged the prestigious US project
He adjusted, delighted in most things here
Freedoms, processes, conveniences, opportunities
The wide open, natural spaces, infrastructure
Everything,except the coffee

After struggling with thin, lukewarm bitter liquid
Artificial non-dairy creamers
That passed for coffee
He had begun experimenting
At home with different coffee makers

He soon discovered the cappuccino,
Mocha, expresso, latte ,the french press, Turkish coffee
And thankfully, a local Starbucks
For his daily caffeine fix
But his Amma's filter coffee
Remained elusive

She had even sent him her own powder
And a 110 volt ready percolator
A product specifically made
For the NRI market
Through his cousin

And yet , the coffee didn't taste the same
Coffee, milk , sugar in proportion
He mused exasperated
What else did his mother add to his coffee?


Friday, May 13, 2016



Sate the restlessness of great variation
Arrive at the place of synchronization
Temper the desires of greedy ambition
In contentment ,find our destination
Surmount suffering with an accepting disposition
Find joy in the trivial, everyday condition
Act to blend thought, word,deed in unison
Condition the mind to look for joy in every action
Treat others with kindness, compassion
In others' success , find our own redemption
Offer grateful prayer with supplication
Negate envy, with happy submission

Satisfaction, in a restless world, so hard to find
Is the gift of a subdued mind


Tuesday, May 10, 2016

I wait for you no more

I wait for you no more

I wait for you, no more
Not in languorous, lazy afternoons
Drowsy in its' warmth
Not in the long, scented nights
Awake to their own beauty

Not even as I watch
A single dew drop
Gather in itself
Hold its' world together
A moment, a breath
Before falling
To it's end

I wait for you, no more
For what can you bring
What can I give
More than what we have exchanged ?

The knowledge of being worthy
Of love
The promise of growing in it

The warmth of memories
To blanket our days
When the creeping vine
Of cold loneliness
Strangles our hearts

An introduction
To that part of us
Hitherto unknown

So with thanks
I watch you go
To your own destiny
And wait for you, no more


Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Hot Coffee -coffee stories

Hot coffee - coffee stories

Traveling to a famous temple
A little family stopped along the way
Do I have to come? , she asked petulantly
There is a little coffee left in my flask
I can stay in the car, she said
Athai, it would be cold now
Do come to the restaurant with us
The children are hungry, cajoled her nephew

Tightening her sari pallo over her shoulders
She stepped in hesitantly
Taking in the large space,
Hustle ,bustle
With wonder

Would you like something to eat ?
I won't eat until after the darshan
You know that , she chided
Just coffee for me
Your sister has promised to have dinner ready
It is a good thing,she lives close to the temple

The waiter, a young man
Carried over the large order smartly
Set down her single cup of coffee
She stared at her cup
Reluctant to look up

A young widow
All her life, she had waited on others
First her father,uncles
Her brothers,cousins
Then nephews,nieces,grandnephews

Always having her coffee
After everyone was served
It was generally deflated, cold
Lukewarm if she was lucky

Having a strange man
Waiting on her
Was alarming
Uncomfortably luxurious

She slowly drank the piping hot coffee
Having satisfied herself
That it was a vegetarian restaurant

Back in the car
So much money,she lamented
If I had known,I would have made dosas
Before we left

You do more than enough, assured her nephew
I wanted you to have the experience
What did you like about your first trip to a restaurant?
Well, the coffee tastes different, she paused
Much better,when it is hot.
