Thursday, October 29, 2015

Fall leaf

Fall leaf

Let it fall
This dried up, shriveled leaf
Of hurt
To it's own death
Let it flutter
To it's resting place,
A pigmented memory
Of trifled trust
After all the bitterness
Has dried out
Carry the knowledge, power
Of surrender
Let it fall
As a colored emissary
of acceptance


Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Navrati prayer

Navrati prayer

May Mother's compassion nurture our nascent dreams

May she endow us with vigor , power for the effort

May our endeavors be victorious by Her grace

That we offer with gratitude at Her feet

From her , onto Her may all our thoughts, words , deeds

Arise and subside

As she rides into our hearts this day.


Tuesday, October 6, 2015



पुराने नए बीच झूलते पल में
ज़िंदगी अपनी मंज़िल ढूँढती है
सफ़र में अपना आशय पाती है


Purane naaye beech jhulti pal mein
Zindagi apni manzil doondti hai
Safar mein apna aashay paati hai


In this swinging moment between the past, future
Life searches for its' destination
Finds its' purpose,is the journey


P.S. Sometimes life sends you a pleasant surprise , that came to me in form of these few lines in Hindi, which is not the language I think in . Perhaps it is the influence of some beautiful poems, I have had the privilege to read . Many many thanks to my friend, Mugdha W for her help correcting and editing my first attempt at writing in Hindi . 

Saturday, October 3, 2015

A new word

A new word

It tempts, a flitting butterfly
Inducing chase
To settle fluttering , hesitatingly 
On my tongue
Run rivulets of feeling 
Through the ridges of my brain
Stains my memory
With its' singular sound
Until at the edge of
Understanding , experience
It coalesces as a drop
To reflect it's meaning
And in so surrendering its' mystery
Settles into the folds of familiarity
In giving its' all 
Is how it claims me for its' own.
