Thursday, May 18, 2023

Twilight dances

Twilight dances

I dance at the precipice of reason ,
Twirl between shadows and light,
Ease into arms of the unexpected,
To revel in the balance between dualities,
Just a step away from the insanity
A glance , a turn from gloom
Just to spin out of comfort’s arms
To oblivion
A slip into the abyss of doom

And so we dance
In the twilight of half truths
We dance
In our ignorance
Waiting for the sun
To dawn , shine on us
The spotlight of truth


Monday, April 17, 2023



Our worlds coalesce

From fog of the indistinct

To reveal , that which claims our attention

May our attention

Always be on that light

That illumines our intellect

And our world

That as we wander

Though our fogs of doubt

In our journeys

We always have that light

To reveal our worlds with clarity

Each step of the way

— shubha