Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Invisible child

Invisible child

I am the child ,of your excuses,
Your neglect , your apathy, your uneasy truces,
The one that scrambles over the landfills of dirt, to salvage , backs burnt,
Fills those firecrackers with gun powder for you to burst in turn,
Serves you tea in your  offices, busy
Sells trinkets at traffic signals, the one ,you pretend ,not to see,
The child who walks your dog, cares for your children, runs your errands galore,
Have you ever wondered if I wanted more?
To learn, laugh and play as I should,
A chance ,at the semblance of a childhood,
Although I toil in the bright sun, I know I am invisible to you,
But this my silent plea ,don't you hear that too?
